Choosing the Best Care Provider Service | How-To Guide

Choosing the right care provider service for your loved ones is of utmost importance as it directly impacts their well-being and quality of life. A reliable and compassionate care provider offers numerous benefits, providing personalized care plans to meet individual needs and ensuring seniors can age gracefully with dignity and support. From assisting with daily […]

Tips for Adjusting to Having a live in Caregiver in Your Home

When it comes to providing care for a loved one, live in care can be a transformative solution. Having a live in caregiver who offers round-the-clock support, ensures your loved one’s safety, comfort, and well-being. However, adjusting to this new arrangement can be a significant transition for both the caregiver and the family. To help […]

The Difference Between 1-on-1 Care and Group Care for Seniors

When it comes to senior care, there are various options available to meet the unique needs and preferences of individuals. Two common types of care settings are 1-on-1 care and group care. Both approaches have their benefits and considerations, and understanding the differences between the two can help seniors and their families make informed decisions. […]

Aging and Advancing Nutritional Needs

Maintaining good health plays a substantial role when it comes to longevity and quality of life. Ensuring that your body receives all of the nourishment that is necessary for it to thrive requires daily mindfulness and an understanding of your own personal health needs. When nutritional deficiencies occur there can be noticeable differences in the […]

Caregivers and Clients: Pairings with Purpose

Relationships are built on the foundation of trust, respect and concern for well-being. Whether the relationship be with a neighbor, coworker, or friend of a friend, establishing a strong bond can be lasting and very rewarding. With any pairing, building a relationship can take time to grow and develop. Fostering a caregiver/client relationship is no […]

Eye Health Awareness: Glaucoma in Aging Adults

January is Glaucoma Awareness month, and during these few weeks a more prominent light is shone upon a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Glaucoma is an eye disease that is mostly found in older adults. It is defined as a group of eye conditions that impact the optic nerve, increasing one’s risk for […]

An Approaching New Year: Reflection, Anticipation and Celebration

As spend the remaining hours of 2021 completing end of year tasks, running errands and preparing for tonight’s festivities, we take into account the many experiences, trials, accomplishments and meaningful moments that have shaped us this past year. Around the globe individuals may be seen taking time for reflection, while also looking ahead toward a […]

One-On-One Care with Aqua Home Care

Personalized Home Care: Crafting Wellness

After spending most of your life seeing to your own needs and completing your own everyday routines, finding yourself in sudden need of support to complete those tasks can be a tough transition. Perhaps until now, daily happenings have generally taken place on your schedule. Waking up in the morning and getting out of bed, […]

Happy Thanksgiving From Our Aqua Home Care Family to Yours

Special occasions that are steeped in tradition with celebrations and the gathering of loved ones are often held closest in our hearts. It is during these moments that memories are shared around the table, updates on new personal endeavors are announced and heart-warming feelings are felt among all. It is no wonder that times like […]

A Season of Gratitude with Aqua Home Care

The season of giving thanks is upon us once again and many can be found readying their homes for impending guests, purchasing fine foods fit for a feast, and taking time to reflect upon and express gratitude. With much to do before this week’s annual celebration, many local stores will be bustling as shoppers scramble […]